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Copyright By @ ThemeXriver
Appilo comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts.
We offer logic board level micro soldering repairs for a variety of devices: iPhones, iPads, Xbox PS4, LG, Sony, and many more. We are able to repair FPC connectors, backlight circuits, repair traces, replace SMD components, and much more.
Macbook Repair
iPhone Repair
iPad Repair
Data Recovery
iPhone died and won’t come back to life? Lost touch functionality? No display? Audio problems? These are all issues that microsoldering can solve
Size doesn’t matter! Our highly trained personel can repair most devices in no time.
“It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!” – Never go offline with our console repair service.
Send us an email and we will get in touch with you as soon as posible